My name is Zo and I’m full-time videographer & photographer based out of Sydney. I’m born and raised in Dubai which exposed me to over 200 cultures before moving to Australia in 2016.
I’ve been in the industry for over 6 years working across many events such as the Bass In The Grass, Changing Tides and media publications such as The Rolling Stones Magazine. I’ve also enjoyed working with major hospitality venues and brands such as Merivale, Iris Group, Australian Venue Co., Monster, Redbull and many many more.
I’ve always been drawn to high energy events and I suspect it has something to do with my own state of high energy I’m always residing in! I enjoy working with passionate creatives trying to capture their vision as well as have my own spin on it - learning and growing along the way
My vision to work all across the world eventually working with even more accomplished individuals such as Rory Kramer and Danilo Lewis - 2 absolute powerhouses in the industry